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Our practice will be undergoing some exciting renovation work from Monday 16 October. Please click here to view the latest information on how to access our services.

  • Worming Treatment for Your Cat I Boundary Vets

During your cats’ life investigating the environment around them, he/she will encounter many different situations – a number of which will expose them to parasitic worms.

Worming is recommended, not only for the benefit of your cat, but also for you and the others in your cats’ life.

Regular worming is especially recommended when children are around. There are diseases that can be spread from intestinal worms carried by cats, to humans – children being most susceptible. Particularly if they play outside in soil and place their hands in their mouths.

This protection against worms is easy to achieve, with the most popular being a combined ‘spot-on’ treatment which also prevent fleas. It may be necessary to give extra treatment for tapeworm if your cat is a hunter. Your vet will be happy to discuss the most appropriate method for you and your cat.

Flea and worm treatments