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  • Dog Microchipping in Oxford | Boundary Vets

Dog microchipping in Oxford can assist in reuniting you and your dog in the event that they ever lose their collar, escape from your garden, get stolen, or are just lost while out on a stroll.

Dog microchipping in Oxford is easy & simple the microchip is only injected, or subcutaneously placed, on the nape of the neck. It lasts a lifetime and is about the size of a huge grain of rice. This is a long-term ID system.

Every chip has a unique number that will be linked to information about you and your pets. A national database is then used to keep track of these facts. The majority of Oxford's veterinarians, including Boundary vets, as well as local government agencies and rescue organisations, will have access to a portable scanner that can read these details, guaranteeing that the Central microchipping database contains your contact information. You can get your dog back with only a phone call once their microchip has been read and recognised.

Since the dog microchip is so small, sedation is not required for the implantation process, which can be completed quickly at a standard visit. If you're unsure if your dog has a microchip already, we can check for you. A member of the Boundary Vets team will scan your dog to see if it has a current, functional microchip in Oxford. Before implanting a new microchip, we always make sure that your dog does not already have one.


Microchipping for Dogs In Oxford

All dogs in Oxford are now required by law to be microchipped, and before ownership is passed from the breeder, all puppies must have had their vaccinations by the age of eight weeks. If you do not get your dog microchipped, you risk a fine of up to £500.00. It's also important to remember that your dog has to be microchipped in order to receive a pet passport if you intend to travel with them.

Your dog's microchip would allow a veterinarian, animal charity, dog warden, or other organisation to read the chip, find your information, and gladly reunite you two if your dog was located and transported to one of these locations.

Please get in touch with one of our helpful staff members at Boundary Vets if you have any queries or would like more information about how we can assist with dog microchipping in Oxford. We will be more than delighted to assist you.


Book a microchipping appointment